Surviving Energetic Climate Change
Over the last few years, as the Earth has entered a time of accelerated growth, Light workers from all over the globe are emerging. ...
Fall Bucket List for Energy Sensitive People
One could consider this a spiritual Fall bucket list, a how-to for living in harmony with the season. When we are in harmony with our natu
One question to get you back in your heart space - VLOG
The powerful question to get you out of your head and back into the Heart and Now moment. Spiritual video
5 ways to Heal your Heart
The Heart Chakra, or Anahata Chakra, is figuratively the heart of the human energetic system. While each chakra, brings in energy and...
How to add Positive Energy to your Home
The Earth is changing now, and it is now more than ever that lightworkers, energy sensitive people, and even the less sensitive, create a...
What is rejection really teaching you?
Sometimes as people begin developing their intuition or listening more readily to their heart's calling than social norms, they discover...